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Stay In The Know:


It seems like I have waited forever for this month to get here and its FINALLY here. Back in September I was accepted into the Disney College Program. For those of you that don't know what this is... It's basically where you go work at Walt Disney World in Florida for a whole semester. Honestly the dream, right? I applied for this program two times before I was FINALLY accepted. I am a firm believer in the saying "third times the charm".

This is the process:

First: APPLY and fill out an application on the DCP website

Some things I did differently from the first two times applying were elaborating on my job descriptions. The two times where I wasn't accepted I really gave the most basic description. This is NOT what Disney is looking for. They want you to expand and really brag on yourself in a way. Another thing that changed on my app was my major. I changed from Business Admin. to Hospitality Management. This could possibly be a difference? Really not sure. I marked high interest in almost every role possible besides lifeguarding well because I honestly hate swimming and could never lifeguard. This showed how willing I was to take on any role in the program. At the very end it asked me if I knew any languages. I have taken two years of Spanish and have taken two trips to Guatemala so I marked that I knew a little bit of that language. I feel like this bumped my chances up a tad.


This was honestly so stressful to me but probably the easiest part. The web based interview was a series of questions about YOU. There were no right or wrong answers. What Disney is looking for in this is your consistency in your answers. It could ask the same question four times in four different ways and they expect your answers to be similar. If I remember correctly they were ALL multiple choice. Do your best not to stress over this part. Breath and I would say take your time but you only have so many seconds to answer each question. So just focus on breathing because I'm pretty sure I forgot how to during this part.


I was so so nervous for my phone interview I remember not being able to sleep the night before. You set up a specific time for your phone interview and your recruiter will call you. You can expect your phone call 15 minutes before or after your assigned times so BE READY and make sure that phone is charged and the volume is up. As soon as I answered the phone I felt all the stress go away. The girl who interviewed me was so sweet and easy to talk to. The questions I were asked (that I remember) were these:

1. Could you be a lifeguard? (HA, no)

2. How would you feel living with up to 8 other people? Some could be international, how would you feel about this?

3. Could you handle Florida weather?

4. What are your top three role choices? (BTW, don't expect to get them because I never wanted QSFB and thats where I got placed)

5. Whats a situation you had to deal with an unhappy customer?

6. Do you have any questions for me? THIS. This is a huge part of your interview. In any interview you should always ask questions at the end. The whole interview is about you. It makes it look so good to them that you are interested and ask questions back. I asked my lady what classes she recommended taking through the DCP and if she had done the program.


This was the worst part checking my email every 5 minutes to see if I got that acceptance letter. It took three long weeks but when I saw the email from Disney saying I was accepted automatic tears flooded my eyes. It's like all my dreams came true! The waiting and the stress was so worth it.

My role that I was selected for is QSFB which means Quick Service Food & Beverage. I won't know my location until January 22nd which is a week from my move in date.

I hope to bring y'all on this crazy little adventure with me & write as much as I can on here about the whole process. I will be heading out of Kentucky on January 26th. Follow along with me here as well as my instagram @pinchofal.

See ya REAL soon!



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